Buttock augmentation surgery is a body contouring procedure designed to reshape sagging buttocks or add volume to a flat behind. Buttock augmentation is done in one of two ways:

  • either fat is taken from somewhere else in the body and
    injected into the buttocks (a “Brazilian butt lift”), or
  • soft silicone implants are surgically inserted in the buttocks
    to add volume and create the desired shape.

Buttock augmentation can also be combined with a buttock lift. The Brazilian butt lift is normally the preferred of the two methods, mainly because the surgery itself is much less invasive, and therefore the recovery time is shorter and less difficult. It also has the advantage of being completely natural. If there are areas of excess fat on a patient’s body, a Brazilian butt lift has the added benefit of slimming those areas down when collecting fat to expand the buttocks.